Bridal Bouquet - Boho


Because you find the typical bridal bouquet passe and you'd like something different. For the fun-loving, free-spirited bride who especially doesn't conform to traditions, this was made for you.

Your hoop bouquet will contain eustomas, orchids and roses. Groom's boutonniere is included in the price.

Fillers used will vary depending on what is seasonally available. Be rest assured that we will channel every bit of cray into this arrangement. 


So we've launched this ready to go series of bridal items and accessories for you who wish to keep things as simple and fuss-free as possible. You can thank us later! In line with this, we will not be able to accommodate any customisation requests though. 

This wooden hoop measures about 10" in diameter. Other personal accessories are also available for this colour scheme.

We deliver island-wide at a delivery fee of $16! However, do note that an additional charge of $15 applies to addresses in restricted areas. You can refer to our FAQs which details the list of restricted areas if you'd like to be doubly sure!

Want something bespoke for your wedding? You can write to us here
